Torah Restoration Ministries

Evangelist Daniel John Lee

And to the angel of the congregation in Philadelphia write -- These things says He that is holy, He that is true, He that has the Key of David, He that opens, and no man shuts, and shuts, and no man opens.  I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept My Word, and have not denied My Name . . ."



  Sabbath Morning/Evening Chat with Daniel Lee



Bonus Sabbath Video: Psalm 92 and Prayer - 12/29

Sabbath Hike: Yah Gives Me a Teaching & A New Song - 12/29

Prophetic Teaching 2017 -- 2027 embedded in Numbers 7 - 12/29

Friday Night Shabbat: Wiser Than The Ancients - 12/28

Sabbath Hike: Prayer vs YouTube, Twitter, etc - 12/22

Son of Perdition, the Broken Temple and Messiah's Return - 12/22

Prophetic Teaching on 12 Tribes of Israel -- Youtube Restored It!!!! - 12/22

Youtube Said My Videos Violate Content, Won't Let Me Post from My Phone - 12/22

Friday Night Shabbat Teaching: Acts 10 and Unclean Foods - 12/21

Sabbath Hike: Discerning the Truth from the False - 12/15

Years 2018 -- 2027: Prophetic Teaching: Pres Trump's 2 Terms, Solar Eclipses & Beyond - 12/15

Friday Night Shabbat: 10 Hebrew Feasts and 10 College Campuses - 12/14

Sabbath Hike: UCLA, Last Night's Prayer Meeting, Updates - 12/8

A Rebuke That I Am Sure Will Offend Many Subscribers - 12/8

Friday Night Sabbath: Abide in the Vine - 12/7


Two Women Ask me to Blow Shofar Part 2 - 12/1

Shabbat Hike: Echoes of the Shofar Part 1 - 12/1

Bush Sr, Prophecy, POTUS, Q, Christmas, Hanukkah - 12/1

Prophetic Meaning of 7.0 Alaska Earthquake Revealed - 11/30

Shabbat Friday Night: My Voice Needs Rest - 11/30

Sabbath Hike Part 2: Tearing Down Pedophile Strongholds - 11/24

Sabbath Hike Part 1: Praise and Worship Along the Beach - 11/24

Ark of the Covenant and the Great Delusion: Shabbat Teaching - 11/24

Friday Night Shabbat: We Need Each Other - 11/23

Sabbath Drive: Exploring Juneau Alaska: Praise and Worship - 11/17

100% Proof Bible is True, Jesus Rose, Earth only 6000 Years Old - 11/17

Reading Letters From Subscribers: Shabbat Blessings!!! - 11/16

Friday Night Shabbat Teaching: Precious Torah - 11/16

Jeff and I Find A Sabbath Trail: Psalm 92 - 11/10

Sabbath Drive with Jeff: Another Huge Praise Report From Zoom Prayer Meetings!!! - 11/10

More Reports White House preaching: Shabbat Shalom From Maryland - 11/10

Friday Night Shabbat: Expressing Thanks to Yahshua - 11/9

More Huge Prayer Requests Answered: Report on SRA Survivor Jason - 11/3

The 7 Mountains the Whore Sits Upon: Multiple Layers - 11/3

Sabbath Hike: White as Snow - 11/3

Part 2: 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Thunders, 7 Bowls: Revelation - 11/3

Friday Night Sabbath Teaching: The Gates of our Homes - 11/2


A New Sabbath Song for 4th Day of Sukkot - 10/27

John 7: Jesus Celebrating Sukkot - 10/27

Hand Tramming Across Gorge for Sabbath Hike!!! - 10/27

Philadelphia, Smyrna and Prophecy: The Way of Escape - 10/27

Menorah Carved on Native American Artifact - 10/27

Friday Night Shabbat Teaching: Testimony from Museum Visit - 10/26

A New Sabbath Song to Yahshua!!!!! - 10/20

Sabbath Hike: Silencing the Mouths of the Naysayers!!! Exalting Messiah! - 10/20

Rescuing My Children: MAJOR UPDATE!!! - 10/19

100% Proof Hillary Exposed Oct 19th News is TRUE!!!!! - 10/19

Fasting Worked! DC Federal Judge Oct 19th EXPOSES Hillary!!! SHABBAT SHALOM!!! - 10/19

We Can Save Over 100,000 Children Will NOT Cost A Dime!!!!!!! - 10/13

The Beast with 10 Horns 2024 --- 2027 - 10/13

Who is the REAL Son of Perdition? Shabbat Teaching - 10/13

Sabbath Hike: Ruled by Love or Fear: Testimony Time! - 10/13

2300 Days in Daniel 8, Trump and Prophecy - 10/13

Book of Daniel, Trump, Solar Eclipse: 2024--2027 - 10/12

Friday Night Shabbat Chat: Children of God vs Children of the Devil - 10/12

The Wonders of Alaska: Hidden Sabbath Waterfall! - 10/06

Yahweh Gave Me A NEW SONG!!!!!! - 10/06

Sabbath Hike: Help Me Rescue My Children!!! - 10/06

Part 2: Shabbat Friday Night: The Everlasting Gospel - 10/05

Part 1: Shabbat Friday Night: The Name of Yah - 10/05


Bonus End of Shabbat Teaching: Headcoverings - 09/29

Addressing All False Accusations Against Me: Sabbath Hike - 09/29

Sabbath Evening Chat with Daniel: Hebrew Feasts in October Not September 2018 - 09/28

Sabbath Hike with Daniel Lee - 09/22

Shabbat Evening Chat with Daniel Lee - 09/21