Torah Restoration Ministries

Evangelist Daniel John Lee

And to the angel of the congregation in Philadelphia write -- These things says He that is holy, He that is true, He that has the Key of David, He that opens, and no man shuts, and shuts, and no man opens.  I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept My Word, and have not denied My Name . . ."



Investigative Reporting - Exposing Pedophiles 





My RUMBLE Account:

My GABTV Account:



December 2022


My Custom Made Gospel Tracts, Spring 2023 Preaching Tour, Update On The Ministry

Special 2022 Fall Preaching Tour Music Video



November 2022


5 Major Victories In My Life, II Chronicles 20, Memorial of Thanksgiving to Yah

Ding, Dong The Trolls Are Dead!!!!!

Concerning The Trinity, Whatever Happened To Deborah Wood, Refuting Preterism



October 2022


My Sermon At The Baptist Church Recorded Sunday, Oct 30th, 2022

II Samuel 6 Prophetic Teaching: Where YHVH Is Taking the Bride In These Last Days

Daniel 9 Prophecy, 483 Years, 2024 -- 2027, America's Judgment, Las Vegas Poem



September 2022


Can You Help Me By Letting Me Stay In Your House? Here's My Route! Nord Stream Pipeline Damaged on Feast of Trumpets -- Major Prophetic Development

A Very Brief Happy Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) To Everyone and Short Update on Ministry

Preached in the Rain, Hundreds of Students Gather to Hear the Gospel In Biggest Crowd Ever, Jesus Gets the Victory @ SDSU, Will Post Video Soon

Shameless Plug For Main Street Inn & Subscriber Shares His Feelings About This Ministry

Fight for Children Satanic Ploy to Unite Humanity, The False Light, Ezekiel 12 For America



August 2022


Trump Demands a New Election, The 3rd Temple, On The Brink . . .

Q "Anons" Hate Me, Trump Truths Satanic Pedo, Kushner & Abrahamic Accords

Personal Video, Where This Ministry Is At, Sharing My Feelings, Future Plans

Soros Bails Out Donald "The Puberty Blocker Endorser" Trump, The Truth Behind the FBI Raid on Trump

Introducing You to The Subscribers I'm Staying With -- Do you want to Host Daniel?

Big Anon Accounts Still Cussing, Ivanka in WEF, Donald "Puberty Blocker Endorser" Trump

Highlights at Noah's Ark -- Hope This Blesses You!

Highlights at Creation Museum in Kentucky -- Hope This Blesses You!

Highlights of Plymouth Rock, Mayflower -- I Hope This Blesses You



July 2022


Trump-endorsed Oz Believes in Puberty Blockers as of 5-16-22

As Trump Cozies up to India Prime Minister, Persecution on Christians Increases

Donald Trump & King Jehu -- The One Time the False Prophets Were Right

Thomas Jefferson, Q, Alex Jones, Patriot and the New Age Movement

White Magic vs Dark Magic, Kim Clement, Trump & Peale, Tribulation Births Through Clash

Trump, Paula White, New Apostolic Reformation, Dominion Theology, the End Times/Great Tribulation

Poem: They Said Jesus Had a Devil

The Lord Jesus Christ Is Disgusted with You Fake Christian Trump Supporters

The Most Beautiful Highway in the World: Into The Storm (Recorded Friday evening)

Poem About Heading to Anchorage to Preach to Donald Trump and Patriots

Georgia Guidestones Explosion Then Demolished

I Don't Know Who Needs To Hear This, But . . . Poem Of 2nd Peter 1:5-8

Only 2 More Weeks in Juneau, Waterfire Festival, Updates, Heading to the Lower 48

Q Post #144 New Age of Enlightenment, Trump's New Age of Enlightenment

What the Bible Teaches On Living Holy and Victorious in Messiah



June 2022


A Subscriber Emails Me Convinced Trump is a Master Strategist for Endorsing Oz

Ghislaine Maxwell Uses Q Phrase "Dark to Light", Satanic Light vs Satanic Darkness

The Utter Blasphemy and Satanic Ideas of Q "Saving the World" As Shown By An Anon

Roe V Wade Overturned & My Street Preaching Banner Arrived!!!

Subs May Leave, Donations May Drop, But I Have to Do what Yah Wants!

"Suffering" -- The Marks of God's Approval: Leonard Ravenhill

This May Offend Many of You -- But I Won't Be Tickling Your Ears! TRUTH TIME


A New Season Begins


Trump, Q, The Anons Great Awakening vs 1st and 2nd Great Awakenings of the 18th and 19th Centuries

A Cry From the Depths of My Heart -- This is the ONLY way to Save Our Country!

Huge Breakthrough w/ Sheriffs & True the Vote, Youth Blood Harvesting Exposed

Biden Throws Opponents in Jail, Musk Maybe Buying OANN, Fantasy/Sci-Fi Pedo Network Exposed

Twitter Caves to Musk, FBI Sued By Nassar Victims, MI Grooming Exposed

Antifa/BLM Indictments, Details on Fulton County Fraud, Pedophile Pastors Arrested

Herschel Walker Hand Sign, 32 Pedos Arrested, CDC Backtracks

PA Congressman Pleads Guilty in Election Fraud, Spacey Facing Pedo Lawsuit, TX To Protect Children

Musk Threatens Twitter, Another Disney Actor Sentenced, More Info on Utah Satanic Ritual Sacrifice

Wicked Parents Confronted, MSM Beginning to Admit Russia Is Winning, 5 Brave Tampa Bay Players

Greg Phillips On Huge AZ Victory, Update UT Child Sex Trafficking Ring, CEO Avoids Jab

GA Handcount Exposes Dominion, 2 More Indictments Before Danchenko, War on Our Children Rages

MSM Forced to Report Election Fraud, Local Election Overturned, DS Strikes Back, Pray!

Greg Phillips to Confront Brnovich, FB Sandberg Stepping Down, 11 Pedophiles Arrested

Durham's Conspiracy Case, Explosive Info On FBI/Law Firm, AZ Lawmaker Convinced by True the Vote!



May 2022


Durham Direction, Medical Company Sues Over False Positives, 43 Arrested Incl. Child Sex Traffickers

Sussmann Verdict Not Guilty, Trudeau Bans Handguns, NC Pre-School Teacher Caught

USC Promotes China Jets, Barr Trashing 2000 Mules, Fauci's 10 Million Monkeypox Grant

WI Voters Sue Over Drop Boxes, Pelosi's Husband Arrested, CNN Admits Problems w/ Dominion

Explosive Interview with Greg Phillips, Trump's Nuclear Precipice, 70 Children Rescued

Guilty Plea in Yuma County, Something Stinks in GA, Mattel's Trans Barbie

Durham's 17 Witnesses, Anons Dig Into TX Shooting, New Life Christian Church Pedophile Pastor

Durham Update, Explosive Developments in Yuma County AZ, 500 In Military Sue Over Vax

Durham Traps Sussman, MK Ultra Unplugged, Location Tracking Saving Babies

TX Deepstate Shooting, AZ Warrants Served on NGO, Durham's Stunning Receipt

16 Yuma County Voter Fraud Investigations, Durham Watch, CDC Lies

Durham Trial Exposes FBI, True The Vote Partnership with Sheriffs, CNN Stunning Admission

AZ Dominoes Falling, Monkeypox Unplugged, SCOTUS to Review Voter ID Law

McCabe, Strzok & Page Are Next, Major WHO Victory, Locke Exposes Big Name Pastors

Kayaking in Juneau, Alaska on a Beautiful Day

Dismantling the Clinton Machine, Yuma County Raid Election Fraud Sting, AZ Pedo Ring Smashed

Mook Throws Hillary Under the Bus, Monkeypox Playbook, Evil Chertoff

Durham Exposes Contradicting Testimonies, Dirty 51 Going Down, Stunning Truth On NIH Website

Durham Exposes MSM Journalists, D'Souza On Fixing 2020 Fraud, DS Playbook

Deep State Rips Itself Apart in Durham Trial, Senate Fails to Approve WHO Treaty, Major Victories

"First" Durham Trial Explosive Bombshells, PA Mail-In Chaos, Biden's Disinfo Board STOPPED

Durham Shreds Sussmann Defence, NBC Attacks Barnette, Musk Demands SEC Investigate Twitter

Durham's Opening Statements, 300 Azov Nazis Surrender, My Truth Social Account

Durham Floodgates, 2000 Mules Now Inspires WI Investigation, Boycott Starbucks

Buffalo Shooter Trained by Deep State, CO Governor Pure Evil, Durham Enters The Courthouse

Blood Moon, 2nd Passover, Durham Trial, Russian Intel -- What Comes Next?

Stunning Russian Intel Exposes Deep State, Twitter Deal on Hold, Durham Has Already Won

Barnette Responds to Trump, Durham Wins Privilege Fight, 2000 Mules Stunning Success

Lies & Slander Against Barnette, Yuma County Launches 2020 Election Investigation, Senate Victory

Grassley Meets w/ Hilton About Child Sex Trafficking, Boebert Vows To Investigate 2020 Election

D’Souza Exposes Tucker, Cali Cracks Down on Patriots, NM Audit Stunning Results

Patel/Nunes On Durham's Kill Shot, Musk Will Remove Trump Ban, Huge Victory in Missouri

Handing Over US Sovereignty to the WHO, Terrified Mules, Will Sussmann Change His Plea?

Bio-Weapons Subverting Elections, These People Are Truly Evil, Musk Plans to Fire 1000 Twitter Staff

Police Response to 2000 Mules, The Oz-McCormick-Barnette Saga, DS Pushing Covid Return

Growing Hatred of Jews/Israel In Anon-Patriot Movement, Biden Bans US Soldiers Travel to Israel

Pompeo Exposes Dr. Oz, Vote for Kathy Barnette, Hillary In Wild Panic Mode

Pfizer 80k Data Dump Exposes Much More, Prince Alwaleed Suddenly Pro-Musk, Pope Now in Wheelchair

Ex-Abortion Doc Drops MOAB, 18 States Restrict Private Funding in Elections, Downfall of Disney

Ukraine Baby Trafficking, Durham Wins, Netflix Shareholders Sue Netflix, Pope Suddenly Changes Tune

Sen Lee Urges Immediate SCOTUS Release, 2nd SCOTUS Leak Exposes Roberts, Musk Exposing Soros-Cabal

Judicial Insurrection, Manchin Rejects Calls to End Filibuster, 2000 Mules Ticket Sales Soaring

Deep State Leaks Draft of Overturning Roe V Wade In Absolute Desperation

Major Rockstar Admits Demons In Her Music, War Over Our Children Rages, NYC Raises Alert

Durham Blowback, Deep State UKR Desperation, Trump & 2017 Vegas Shooting

The Current Cabal, The False Light, Dorsey, Gabbard, Maher, Clay Clark & Israel



April 2022


Ministry of Truth Craziness, Trump Posts on Truth Social, Pastor Pawlowski's Exhortation

Durham Evidentiary Hearing, MI Covid-19 Witch Hunt, Sometimes Satire Is the Best Weapon

Cernovich Ties Twitter to Durham Case, Chemtrail Child Brainwashing, Parents in Juneau Rise Up

Hawley Urges Musk to Audit Twitter, Pastor Exposes Pedophilia in Church, Hollywood's Blood Drinking

TX Baby-Saving Law Survives Multiple Legal Challenges, Tears Flow at Twitter, MS Bans VAX Mandates

Massive Shockwaves into Normie-ville, Kamala Tests Positive, Durham Releases Tidal Wave of Emails

Major Escalation in GA Voter Fraud Investigation, Elon Locks Down Source Code, Crossing the Delaware

MI GOP Delegates Wipe Out Establishment Rule, Johnny Depp Unplugged, GAB's Torba Exposed As Liar

Musk Seizes Twitter, Anon MelQ Exposed as Satanic, Pastor Locke Thunders Against Disney

Durham Cites Ghislaine Maxwell & Destroys Statute of Limitations, Jenna Ellis Exposed, Save Our Kids

Gnashing of Teeth as Disney Bill Clears FL House, Spotify Fires Obama, Abused Child Finds Healing

U.S. Army Prompts US Capitol Evac, Stunning Footage of Voter Fraud, Disgusting Obama

FL Senate Strips Disney Power, Podesta Panic As Durham Closes In, NYT On Unleashed Trump Forces

OAN Calls for Military Tribunals, Pro Pedo Netflix Crashing, Assange Extradition

Durham Planning to Use Hillary's Tweet, CNN+ Doomed, Satirist Trumps NYT Reporter

Developments on UKR Biolabs, Loomer Exposed, Trump Hits Back Hard On Do-Nothing Brnovich

Federal Judge Strikes Down Mask Mandate, Key Durham Witness Flips, Save Our Children

Fox News Continues to Awaken, Pope's Cap Blows Off, Victory Mindset of Messiah

Reversing the Titanic, Parental Mass Awakening, Musk's Brilliant Plan, Happy Feast of First Fruits

Musk-Twitter Saga Continues, Kim Dotcom Promises Hunter Arrest, Le Pen's Vow

Saudi Prince Rejects Musk Offer, Who is Prince Al Waleed bin Talal?, Dr. Oz Loves Smollett

Elon Musk Offers Hostile Twitter Takeover, DeSantis Bans Abortion After 15 Weeks, HRC Panic

Bombshell DOD Covid-19 Ukraine Contract, Sussmann Fails to Stop Durham, Fighting for Our Children

Fence Erected Around Federal Reserve, Cernovich Calls for Tribunals, Sex Trafficking Ring Taken Down

Grassley's Evidence on Joe Biden, True the Vote's Explosive Video, The Stew Psy-Op Distraction

Stew Peters "Watch the Water", Trump Oz Endorsement Causing Confusion, Lawlessness Increasing

More Details Durham Grilling Podesta, AL Bans Grooming of Children, Russia Warns of UKR False Flags

Elon Musk's Twitter Take-Over, Petition Against OR Children's Hospital, Disney Pinocchio Pedophilia

Trump Endorses Trans-Gender Promoting Dr. Oz, Middle Schoolers Sodomize Student in TX, Yah Help Us!

Prime Time Fox News Now Exposing Pedophilia on Twitter/Schools, Make the Bible Great Again Rally

Durham Grills Podesta, 12 Instances of Joe Linked to Hunter, Pastor Thunders Against Trans Agenda

Brnovich Confirms Arrests Are Coming, Massive Protest At Disney HQ, Bowser & Pelosi C-19 Positive

Explosive Bombshell Links Joe to Hunter's Business Dealings, Disney Pedophilia, The Tipping Point

The "Big Guy" Going Down, Why the Cabal Despises Putin, 27 Pedos Arrested, OK Bans Abortion

New Pfizer Bombshell, Florida School Board Protects Disgusting Book, Gaetz Confronts Austin

Durham's Smoking Gun, Joe Tied to Hunter, MSM Turns on Biden

UN Steeped in Pedophilia, Grassley Suggesting Biden Blackmail, Indonesian Pedo Sentenced to Death

Elon Musk Buys Twitter, US Government Admits Deep State Threat, Calgary Street Preacher Arrested

Durham's Upcoming Monday Disclosure, Judge Upholds Maxwell Verdict, Great Awakening Is Now

Disney Must Be Broken Up, Subscriber Theory on Trump's Return, War for Our Children



March 2022


Angelina Jolie Unplugged, Don Jr. Says Something Much Bigger Coming, More Disney Madness

Trump Predicts Stolen Election Will Not Stand, CBS Now Exposing Hunter, So Much Happening

Now CNN & WaPost Exposing Hunter, Dam About to Burst, Judge Blocks Navy Mandate

Trump Points to Ukraine-Taiwan, Lara Logan Keeps Dropping Truth Bombs, KY Abortion Ban

Gaetz Enters Hunter Laptop Into Congressional Record, Crazy Cali Bills, Let's Pray!

Grassley & Johnson Bringing the Heat, Major Shanghai Shutdown, Nunes Points to Podesta

DeSantis Defies Deep State, Former ME Gov Candidate w/ Child Porn, Durham Probing Potential Jurors

Nazi SS Patch in Ukraine, Google Refuses Basic Trump Facts, Ottawa Trucker Convoy Returns

Hunter Emails Now Provide 100% Proof of Russian Claims, Brnovich Finally Strikes, Trump Eviscerates Kemp

Durham & Trump's Lawsuit Coordinated Attack, 21 Traffickers Arrested, Major Victory in Kansas

Trump Sues Clinton, Russia Accuses Hunter of Bioweapons Labs, McConnell Refuses Jackson Confirmation

Trudeau Blasted At EU, Durham to Produce Classified Materials, Filthy Middle School Counselors

Black & Veatch Joins CEMEX (Blood in Cement), More Disney Perversion, Albright Passes Away

Hillary Covid Positive, Jackson Apologizing for Pedos, Nygard Extradition, Epstein Island for Sale

Cruz Demolishes Jackson, Russia Calls for Biden's Impeachment, Jackson Claimed Pizzagate a Rumor

Maxey's Update on Explosive Info, Biden's New World Order, Schwarzenegger Nazi Past

Hunter First Unsealed Indictment?, The Massive Disney Pedophile Situation, Zelenskyy's Martial Law

Explosive Evidence About to Be Released, Disney Star Exposes Hollywood

Don Jr. Calls Out Hunter's Pedophilia, Victory in Protecting DC Children, Scavino Comms

Hunter Headed for Indictment, Ukraine Top Donor For Clinton Foundation, 21 States Seek Abortion Ban

Doernbecher Children's Hospital, Hunter Laptop Something Major Is Coming, Fauci is Back

Putin Exposes Coronavirus Experiments, Disney Child Sex Trafficking, Hawley Exposes Judge Jackson

Ukraine TV Calls for Genocide, Neo-Nazis at Jan 6 Rally, Fort Bragg Coverup

Lara Logan on Fire, 7.3 Earthquake Hits Japan, Bio-labs & Adrenochrome

TroieshCHYNA Ukraine Biolabs, Russia Burns Tower of Babel Replica, Indicted Haiti Pastor & Clintons

Russia Sanctions Deep State, International Military Tribunals, HCQ To Fight Cancer

China Demanding US Open Biolabs to International Investigation, Largest-Ever Cyber-Attack on Israel

Chy-Na in Ukraine, 20 Examples of Voter Fraud Under Investigation, Texas Keeps Abortion Ban

Ukraine Head of the Snake, Soros Demands Putin & Xi Be Destroyed, Rumors of Queen's Death

UN Security Council Meeting, Russia Presents Evidence, Refuge Ranch Child Sex Trafficking

Hunter Biden Tied to Ukrainian Bio-labs, Durham to Target DNC Sever Hack, Explosive Times!

Biden Now Denies Ukraine Bio-labs, Staging False Flag, US Trucker Update

Biden Selling Oil to Asia, Ukraine Child Trafficking, Trump's Plane Makes Emergency Landing

Biden's Nuland Admits to Ukraine Bio-labs, Russia/China Demand Answers, Obama Implicated

Zelensky Bending Under Putin Pressure, Trucker Convoy Meets With Senators, Where's Fauci?

Biden Bans Russian Oil/Gas, Durham Slams Sussmann Lawyers, US Trucker Update

Biden's Skyrocketing Oil Prices, Hampstead Twins Doc, 22 Ways to Stop Vax Passports

Blinken Fumbles WW3, DC Trucker Convoy Strategy, Britney Spears Demands Justice

Trump & Putin's War on Sex Trafficking, Russia Returning to Gold Standard, DeSantis Wife Cancer Free

Pompeo's 2020 Live Exercise, The Putin-Xi-Trump Alliance, Deep State Brings Us To The Brink

Deep State Pushing For Hot War, Pompeo's Pineapple Comms, Trump's Statement On Events

Pompeo Visits Taiwan, Dozens of Pedophiles Arrested in Canada, US People's Convoy

Russia/Ukraine Plot Thickens, WI Republican Emergency Meeting, US Trucker Convoy 70 Miles Long

The Return of Q, Biden's SOTU, 4th Generation Ukrainian Speaks Out, WI Decertification



February 2022


Patel Talks Durham, Ukraine's Nazi Regime, National Vaccine Pass Rolls Out

More Info on Biolabs in Ukraine, Canadian Banks Unfreezing Accounts, Pray for US Trucker Convoy

Russia Strikes US Biolabs, USA Trucker Convoy Prays Psalm 121, Trudeau Revokes Emergencies Act

Judge Blocks Air Force Mandate, The Great Russian Distraction, Police Join French People

Queen Taking Ivermectin, Australia Using DEW's, Obama's CIA Spied on Trump

500 Arrested in Human Trafficking Sting, Trudeau's Nazi Regime, Pray For Canada

Jean-Luc Brunel Epsteined, Ottawa Crackdown, USA Trucker Convoy, Durham

Convoy Leaders Arrested, Truckers Holding the Line, Inslee Drops Mask Mandates

Noose Tightening Around Hillary/Biden, Ottawa Truckers Hold Fast, 100's of Traffickers Arrested

Ottawa Truckers Refuse To Back Down, Russia Pulls Back, DS Unable To Distract From Durham

Durham On The Move, Massive Canberra Protest, Shofars Blast, Freedom Rings!

The Tide Is Truly Turning, Massive Amount of Good News, Not By Might or Power But By His Spirit

Patriot Moves/Deep State Countermoves, 8th Grade Pizza Sex Scandal, Spiritual War Rages

Trudeau's Government Falling Apart, Israel Cements Date For Convoy, Both Popes in Panic Mode

Pelosi Boomerang, Liberal MP's Break with Trudeau, Explosive Report from Georgia

Alberta's Evil Premier, Truckers Refuse to Back Down, Comedian Mocks Jesus and Collapses

First Province in Canada Strikes Down Vaccine Mandate, Will Brnovich Act on New Evidence?

Pastor Pawlowski Arrested AGAIN, Finchem's Resolution To Decertify 3 AZ Counties

Trudeau's Half Brother Mentions Epstein, Church Burns Occult Items, Memphis BLM Founder Sentenced

Powerful Prayer from Freedom Truckers, Trump Donor Takes Over CNN, People Waking Up

Overwhelmed With Demands For Trudeau's Removal, Illinois Mask Mandate Struck Down, Pray!

Ottawa Police Crackdown, Aussies Keep Fighting, AP Reporter Exposes WH "Intelligence"

Tenuous Situation in AB, Prayers for Ottawa, Poll Says 70% of Americans Done with Covid

Treachery at Alberta Border Crossing, WH Walks Back Imminent Ukraine Invasion, CNN Meltdown

Alberta Set to Lift All Mandates, O'Toole Fired, Judge Releases Dominion Report

Truckers Refuse to Back Down, Ukraine War Games, CNN Zucker Resigns

Quebec Scraps Tax of Unvaccinated, Youtube Insane Trucker Censoring, Keep Praying For Canada

Tow Trucks Refuse to Help Trudeau, CA Parliament Warriors, Maddow Steps Down, 2300 Children Rescued



January 2022


Hillsong's Brian Houston Steps Down, Bonds For The Win, Dems Stealing Military Ballots

Truckers in Ottawa for Next 2-4 Years, Canberra Freedom Siege, PA Mail in Balloting Struck Down

Convoys Across The World, Nails on Highway to Ottawa, Parents Furious with Fairfax

The Ottawa Freedom Siege Begins, Trump Backs Truckers, Trudeau's Pedophile Connections

Hillier Calls Trudeau a Terrorist, Anti-Vax Protests Largest in History, Biden Tweets from Fake WH

Trudeau Hides, Brave Israeli Preaches in Mall Against Covid, 100's of Celebrities Selling Homes

Thousands of US Truckers Head North, DC Food Rationing, US Gives Response to Russia

Canadian Truckers, NATO Rupture, Durham Update, AZ Election Integrity Bills

WI Vote to Withdraw 10 Electors Blocked by RINO, Israel to Build Tower of Babel, Schools Exposed

OSHA Withdraws, Boris Warns Putin, Youtube Censoring Pastors, Monkey Crash

NY Mask Mandate Struck Down, Explosive Johnson COVID-19 Press Conf, Russian-NATO Tensions

Joan's Story: A Tale of Horrific Murder and Corruption in Arkansas Hospitals

Thousands Rally at DC Stop the Mandates, Matt Council's J6 Horrific Persecution, Amazon Pedophilia

Covid-19 Agenda Continues to Crumble, Russia-NATO Ukraine War Is Deep State's Desperate Response

Special Music Video Dedicated to the Little Children

Federal Reserve Pushes Digital Currency, Gates 060606 Patent, "Day of Tears" for Unborn Babies

Trump's Road Back to White House, US to Send Weapons to Ukraine, Pro-Life DC Rally Tomorrow

Prince Andrew Deletes All Social Media, NYPD Hauls Away A Child, Jordan's Explosive Press Conference

UK Ends All Covid Restrictions, US Deploys Largest Naval Sortie In Recent Memory

Backlash Over My Reporting on Flynn, Queen Elizabeth & 9th Circle Satanic Cult, NYPD Tyranny

Flynn's Statements on Light, Q's Wizards & Warlocks, Covid-19 Narrative Dying, War is Coming

Covid-19/Vax Narrative Continues to Crumble, Russia Expels US Diplomats, Youngkin Prays to Jesus

News Fatigued? Alaskan Snow-Clad Mountains Is Just What the Doctor Ordered!

Obama's Connection to Maxwell, Dr. Malone Shows Photographic Proof, Calvary Chapel Corruption

The Renaissance, Humanism and the False Light of a Glittering Lie: Do We See What's Happening?

Trump's Florence, AZ Rally & 1944 Florence, Italy - Key Prophetic Marker

Youngkin Strikes Down VA Mask Mandate, Maxwell & 8 John Does, Russia/NATO Tensions Rise

US Claiming Russia False Flag, Swann's Final Broadcast on Pizzagate, Pedophilia in Branson

Supreme Court Blocks Biden's Vax Mandate, NATO & Russia Prepare for War

Newly Saved, Heavily Persecuted, Laura Needs Help!

Concrete Wall Around White House, Trudeau's Hush Money, "Liddle" Schiff Wants GITMO Closed

Military Exercise to Overthrow Illegitimate Government, Andrew Fails to Stop Giuffre

Tidal Wave of Docs Bury Fauci, FAA Orders West Coast Air Traffic Halt, NBC Director Defies Vax

1st Seal, White Horse (Coronavirus) Giving Way to 2nd Seal Red Horse (War)???

DARPA Takes Down Fauci, Former Nurse Takes Down Covid Lies, CNN Takes Down Itself

Kazakhstan Uranium Mining & Clintons, Bob Saget Epstein Flight Log, WA Bill Detainment Camps

Obama Puppet Biden Poking Russian Bear, 1968 Prophecy on WW3, Kazakhstan

Trump, Q, Kennedy, Clay Clark, Praying Medic, Patel Patriot -- Something Very Troubling Is Happening

Kazakhstan Former Intelligence Chief w/ Ties to Biden Arrested for Treason, Getting Closer!

Alito Crushes Mandate Excuses, FDA Forced into Transparency, Rand Paul Promises to Prosecute Fauci

Ted Cruz the Traitor, Maxwell Juror Plant, Israel Cases Skyrocket

Reason Elites Drawn to Kazakhstan, Hillary Comm Tweet, NYT Admits Booster Damage

Kazakhstan Erupts, Q Post 4888, Hunter's Business Dealings, Bannon Calls for Trump Presser

Explosive New Voter Fraud GA Investigation Launched, Brutal Prince Andrew Court Hearing

Fauci Faux Pas, PA Battleground, Hollywood Insider Exposes Metaverse

Navy SEALS Victory, Maxwell Returning to Court for Perjury, CDC Vax Ingredients

Giuffre Agreement Unsealed, Former FDA Leader Admits Masks Don't Work, Dem Arrested for Pedophilia

L.A. Schools Cancel Mandate, Pastor Artur Arrested Again, CERN Re-Activated

Patriot Victories in 2021, Malone's Interview Breaks Google Algorithm, Strange Hillary Tweet