Torah Restoration Ministries

Evangelist Daniel John Lee

And to the angel of the congregation in Philadelphia write -- These things says He that is holy, He that is true, He that has the Key of David, He that opens, and no man shuts, and shuts, and no man opens.  I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept My Word, and have not denied My Name . . ."


Why Moral Government Theology CAN be Good


While the majority of Protestant and Catholics read the scripture with a distinctly Augustinian/Calvinistic unintellectual approach, Moral Government Theologians come from the opposite, more Pelegian approach.  Of course Pelegias was a downright humanist and exalted man waaaaaaaay too much, but modern Moral Government proponents such as Finney, Olson and Winkie Pratney, have done an excellent job at leading to a more Hebraic way of thought and a less Greco-Roman-Platonic mindset.

Five good doctrines Moral Government teaches, which most Christians are ignorant of are:

1. Yah's Law can be kept and Yah would never give us a law that is impossible to keep.
2. We are not born with original sin but are born innocent.
3. Yah has absolute control but not absolute foreknowledge. 
4. Our thoughts determine our actions (which my youth pastor, Sunny Adams, drilled into our heads).

#1, #2 and #4 are excellent scriptural truths that can lead one into keeping Torah.  We know from Deut 30 that #1 is correct, because Yah states we can keep His entire Torah easily.  We know #2 is correct because it is utter blasphemy to say Yah creates people in their mother's womb with sin embedded within them.  Very unintellectual as well.

And #4 is probably the best at leading us into Torah as it so matches with Hebrews 8:8-10 and the ReNEWed Covenant's purpose.  Because the Torah has been placed in our hearts and minds, doing the Torah will necessarily manifest outwardly.

Unfortunately, moral government theology does not stop there.  It goes on to say (wrongly) that the Torah can be divided into moral, civil and ceremonial sections.  Though no such division exists in scripture, moral government theology swerves back into Greco-Roman thought at that juncture.

The Preterist then really becomes Greco-Roman in thought by using moral government to lead them into a completely Platonic mindset.  It was Plato who suggested that the physical realm is gross while the more heavenly realms, the spiritual unseen realms are better.  Hebraic though says the physical AND spiritual realms are equally as good.

The Preterist, in his disdain for physical things, denies the physical future return of YahShua, and thinks he is so very spiritual by "spiritualizing and allegorizing" away prophecies.  They really are nothing more than students of Plato.

Though portions of moral government theology are rooted in Hebraic thought, certainly more so than the more popular Augustinian/Calvinistic theology, ultimately it also returns to a Greco/Roman/Plato way of thinking, instead of the Hebrew Messiah way of thinking.

From YahShua and the Hebrew mindset, we can understand that the Kingdom of Yah both is manifesting inwardly, and WILL SOMEDAY MANIFEST PHYSICALLY ON THIS EARTH -- when YahShua physically splits open the sky and descends.  We also know that DOING THE TORAH, physically participating in its "carnal" precepts IS JUST AS GOOD AS ANY SPIRITUAL PROCESS GOING ON UP IN HEAVEN.