Torah Restoration Ministries

Evangelist Daniel John Lee

And to the angel of the congregation in Philadelphia write -- These things says He that is holy, He that is true, He that has the Key of David, He that opens, and no man shuts, and shuts, and no man opens.  I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept My Word, and have not denied My Name . . ."



Preaching Reports - Fall 2021




 The Reward Is In The Obedience, and The Outcome Is His 


24 Preaching Days, 12 campuses, 7 States: Now Heading Back to Alaska

Last Day of Classes at UNT Before Winter Break: Preaching John 8 -- Go and Sin No More!

The Gospel Goes Forth Across UNT, Student Encouraged, Messiah Exalted

Preaching the Bread of Life & One Student Gets Angry at Me: Day 2 at UNT

Preaching the Gospel at University of North Texas

Preaching the Resurrection & Life at Texas A&M -- Day 2

The Fire of the Gospel Shakes Texas A&M: Luke 23, His Soon Return, Young Christian Encouraged

Preaching at Lamar University Day 2: Worthy to Escape and Stand Before the Son of Man

Preaching the Gospel at Lamar University: Parable of the Vineyard

Preaching at LSU Day 3: The Parable of the Talents Luke 19

Street Preaching LSU Day 2: Luke 18 -- Pharisee vs Publican, Blind Man Crying Out to Jesus

Street Preaching at LSU: Luke 17 & Lepers, Also Ministering to a Catholic Student

Preaching at University of Louisiana Monroe -- Leaving the 99 to Save the 1 Lost Sheep

Preaching Jesus at Mississippi State University -- Another Student Asks Great Questions

Street Preaching at Auburn University -- A Student Approaches Me with Great Questions

Police Shut Me Down At University of Alabama so I Preach in Downtown Tuscaloosa

Preaching Again @ NC University Charlotte: Messianic Student Encourages Me

Preaching at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte: Praying for A Student

Street Preaching Preaching Luke 7 in Colonial Williamsburg

Street Preaching at College of William & Mary: Jewish Student Approaches Me

Street Preaching In Colonial Williamsburg: Merchant's Square

Street Preaching at Georgia Tech -- Georgia Institute of Technology

Preaching in Athens, GA at University of Georgia: Two Students Interact With Me

Street Preaching at Georgia State University

Street Preaching in Downtown Atlanta Piedmont Park



We, at Torah Restoration Ministries, are not affiliated with ANY denomination. We are an Independent group of believers in Mashiach.

We do not hold the 501C tax exempt status. TRM is NOT partners with the Government and does NOT have a main headquarters in any region of the world.  Our head is YahShua the Messiah.

TRM has a policy that all information, all tracts, all videos that we produce are completely 100% free.



Daniel Lee's Testimony - Love Never Fails