The Reward Is In The Obedience, and The Outcome Is His
My Custom Made Gospel Tracts, Spring 2023 Preaching Tour, Update On The Ministry
Special 2022 Fall Preaching Tour Music Video
Virginia Commonwealth Univ: Messianic Street Preacher Ministers W/ Me To The Lost & Confused (Last Day Of Classes For Fall Semester)
Virginia Commonwealth Univ: Hostile, Mocking Crowd, Contending with Lesbians & Perverts, Encouraged By A Christian Student
Virginia Commonwealth Univ: Proud Mocking Agnostic Helps Me Draw Small Crowd, I Meet A Fellow Messianic Street Preacher, Exhorting A Young Man To Live Holy
William & Mary: Large Rowdy Crowd Forms in Rain, Police Eventually Trespass Me Off Campus Violating My 1st Amendment Rights
Virginia Commonwealth Univ: One-On-One Conversations w/ The Confused, The Proud & The Humble
Univ of Virginia: Gospel Preaching Draws Large Crowd, Police Show Up & Trespass Me Off The Campus Violating My 1st Amendment Rights
UNC Chapel Hill: Contending with Hypocrites & Muslims, Blessed by A Christian From A Campus Ministry, Exalting Jesus Christ
North Carolina State Univ: Preaching Draws A Small Group of Serious Students, Great Conversations, Admin & Police Trample On My 1st Amendment Rights & Kick Me Off The Campus
Univ of North Carolina: Hard Hearts, Blasphemers, Sex Perverts & Hateful Students As I Preach Jesus Christ
Univ of North Carolina: Brave Christian Student Shares Testimony w/ My Crowd, Dealing with Sex Perverts, Atheists & Christians Who Don't Like My Preaching
Univ of North Carolina: Rowdy, Hostile Crowds, Contending With Many Lesbians & Sexual Perverts, Dealing with Hypocrites, Two Christian Students Help Me, Preaching Jesus Christ
5 Major Victories In My Life, II Chronicles 20, Memorial of Thanksgiving to Yah
Ding, Dong The Trolls Are Dead!!!!!
Clemson Univ: Admin Threaten Me With Arrest, Police Arrive, The Gospel of Jesus Christ Goes Forth!
Univ of South Carolina: Blue Haired Freaks, Sodomites, Hypocrites, Skeptics -- Contending with Sinners While Preaching Jesus Christ
Univ of Georgia: Local Subscriber Comes Out To Support Me, Witnessing To A Muslim Woman, Exalting Jesus Christ
Univ of Georgia: Student Repents and Becomes Born Again, Large Crowd Forms, Contending with Hypocrites, Perverts, Skeptics -- Jesus Christ Is Exalted!
Univ of Georgia: Great One-On-One Conversation, Dealing With a Blasphemer, Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Valdosta State: Police & Admin Threaten to Trespass Me, Throw Me Off Campus, Violate My 1st Amendment Rights!
Valdosta State: Large Crowds, Rebuking Hypocrites, Contending w/Homosexuals, One New Christian Decides to Preach to My Crowd!
Auburn Univ: I Draw A Crowd, Rain Drives It Away, I Draw An Even Bigger Crowd, Lots of Hypocrites, Pagans, Homosexuals & Atheists, Campus Admin Calls Police & Trespass Me Off the Campus, Police Escort Me to My Car
Auburn Univ: Civil & Respectful Crowd, Reproving Hypocrites, Proving the Bible True, Christian Students Invite Me To Share a Meal With Them
Univ of Alabama: Several Very Good One-On-One Conversations w/ Agnostics & Atheists, Encouraging Talks with Born Again Christian Students, Exalting Jesus
Univ of Alabama: Contending for 5 Hours with the Perverted, Atheists, Skeptics, Hypocrites -- Exalting Jesus Christ!
LSU: Rebuking Hypocrite After Hypocrite, Contending with the Apathetic, Wiping the Dust Off My Feet
Louisiana State Univ: Yet ANOTHER Street Preacher Joins Me On Campus, I Manage To Incite A Luke Warm Christian To Start Preaching to My Crowd, The Gospel of Jesus Christ Shines Forth!!!
Concerning The Trinity, Whatever Happened To Deborah Wood, Refuting Preterism
Louisiana State Univ: Subdued & Sober Crowd, Rebuking "Sinning Christians", Proving the Bible True To The Skeptics, Exalting Jesus
Univ of Louisiana: 12 Street Preachers Join Me, Crowd of Over 300 Students, Homosexuals Rage, The Gospel of Jesus Christ Thunders Forth!
Univ of Louisiana: Rowdy Crowd of 150 Students, Students Boast In Their Sexual Perversion, Dealing with Agnostics and Skeptics, Jesus is Exalted
My Sermon At The Baptist Church Recorded Sunday, Oct 30th, 2022
Texas A&M: Small Crowds, Very Civil Students, Many Great Conversations, Jesus Is Exalted, One of The Best Days I've Ever Had On Campus Preaching the Gospel!
Univ of North Texas: 300 Students Gather, Mob of Homosexuals Hit My Sign/Pole, Run Me Off Campus, Viewer Discretion Is Advised
Univ of North Texas: Even in The Rain & Wind, Gospel Preaching Draws A Crowd, Dealing with Sexual Perverts, Agnostics, Skeptics and Hypocrites, Jesus Christ Exalted
Univ of New Mexico: Wiping The Dust Off My Feet of THE MOST EVIL Campus I've Ever Preached the Gospel At
Univ of New Mexico: In The Midst of the MOST Raging, Hostile Crowd I've Ever Encountered, One Student Rededicates His Life Back to the Lord Jesus
Univ of New Mexico: Biggest Crowd Ever, Demon-Possessed Student Tries to Wrench My Banner From Me, He Gets Tackled to the Ground, Extremely Hostile Crowd, But Jesus is Exalted & Another Campus Christian Ministry Prays For Me and Helps Me Minister
New Mexico State Univ: Another Large, Rowdy Crowd, Christian Student Helps Me Preach, Several Christian Students Encourage and Bless Me, Christian Campus Ministry Supports Me
New Mexico State Univ: Preaching of the Gospel Draws 200 Students in Massive Crowd
University of Arizona: Spectacular Day, Great Conversations, Much More Civil Crowd, Jesus Is Exalted!
University of Arizona: Viewer Discretion Advised, Mob of Riotous Homosexuals, Admin Threatens To Remove Me, Several True Christian Students Thank Me For Being There
Arizona State University: Great Crowd, Very Civil Students, Dealing w/ Skeptics & Atheists, Exalting Jesus & Proving Why the Bible Is True
I Preached And Then Found Out ASU Is Closed for Fall Break Until Wednesday
Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas: 3rd Day Major Breakthrough, Lots of Great One-On-One Conversations, Jesus Is Exalted
Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas: Homosexuals Surround Me In A Raging Mob, Draws Hundreds of Students, Viewer Discretion Is Advised
Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas: Massive Crowd, Police Called, Born Again Student Joins With Me Preaching, Jesus Christ Exalted In Front of Hundreds!
Univ of Nevada, Reno: Another Massive Crowd, Homosexuals & Skeptics Join Forces With Catholics and Hypocrites As They Reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Univ of Nevada, Reno: Massive Crowd, Jesus is Exalted, Sinner Throws Sandwich At Me, Homosexuals, Atheists, Muslims & Hypocrites Confronted with the Gospel
Boise State Univ: Smaller Crowd, Rebuking Two Adult Hypocrites, Great One-On-One Conversations, Ministering to 1 Newly Born Again Christian Student
Boise State Univ: Large Crowd, Lesbian Lunges At Me With A Taser, Student Throws Massive Cake At Me, But Other Than That Students Were Very Civil
Can You Help Me By Letting Me Stay In Your House? Here's My Route! Nord Stream Pipeline Damaged on Feast of Trumpets -- Major Prophetic Development
Univ of Idaho: Utterly Spectacular 3rd Day: Lots of Great Questions, Humble Hearts, Students Pray For Me and I Pray For Them, Holy Spirit Moves Powerfully!!!!
Univ of Idaho: Clash of the Megaphones -- Contending with Atheists, Skeptics, Homosexuals, Hypocrites -- Jesus Is Exalted
Univ of Idaho: Angry Atheist, Contending with Many Homosexuals, 2 Christian Students Stand with Me
A Very Brief Happy Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) To Everyone and Short Update on Ministry
Univ of Montana: Confused Students Justifying Sexual Perversion, Atheists, Satanists & Mockers -- But The Gospel of Jesus Christ Shines Forth!
University of Montana: Even in the Cold Rain, The Preaching of the Gospel Draws a Crowd!
Montana State Univ: Rebuking a "Christian" Campus Leader, But Then Lots of Great Discussions With Very Humble Students
Return to Montana State Univ: Respectful Crowd, Humble Questions, Some Mockers But Also Sincere Hearts
Montana State University: Very Large But Civil Crowd, Lots of Great Questions, Jesus Is Exalted
Mob Seethes With Hatred, Most Hostile Crowd Ever, Viewer Discretion Is Advised: NDSU -- Why do the Heathen Rage?
"Loving" Students HATE the Preacher: NDSU -- But the Gospel Of Jesus Christ Still Goes Forth!
Rebuking "Christian" Hypocrite Claiming Allah is Same as Biblical God, Proving the Bible True, Jesus Exalted On Final Day at Univ of North Dakota
Both Large Rowdy Crowds, and Small Convicted Groups -- Contending For the Faith at Univ of North Dakota
Univ of North Dakota: Police Retrieve My Stolen Banner, Rowdy Crowds, Humble Questions at End
Most Spectacular Day on Campus Ever, Hundreds Gather to Hear The Gospel, The Holy Spirit Gains the Victory
Preached in the Rain, Hundreds of Students Gather to Hear the Gospel In Biggest Crowd Ever, Jesus Gets the Victory @ SDSU, Will Post Video Soon
SDSU: Students Dunk Me In Chocolate, Muslim Runs Away With My Banner, Police Escort Me Back To My Car
Old Man in Wheelchair Tries to Assault Me, God Intervenes, Rowdy Crowd, Gospel Goes Forth
Contending with "the beasts" of USD: Rebuking Hypocrites, Gospel Goes Forth
Iowa State Univ: Trumpet Heckler Helps Me Draw Crowd, Wild Mockers, Humble Listeners
Iowa State Univ: Lots of Great Discussions, Sober Crowd, Holy Spirit Moving!
Iowa State Univ: Largest Crowd Ever, Very Good Questions, Student Rips Pole Out of My Hand, Police Called
Univ of Iowa: Prayed for One Student, Rowdy Crowd Blasphemes Jesus, Homosexuals Rage
Univ of Iowa: Skeptics, Atheists, Homosexuals, One Young Lady Punches Me In the Stomach (Pray for her)
Pastor Joshua Joins Me, Crowd Forms: Contending w/ Muslims, Jews, Skeptics
Sodomites Enraged At The Gospel, Most Hostile Crowd Ever, Viewer Discretion Advised
Illinois State: Rowdy Crowd Brings Police, Christian Students Stand With Me, Gospel Goes Forth
Had Breakfast with Local Pastor, Preached 4 Hours at Illinois State and Christian Students Stood With Me
Return to U of IL: Proving the Resurrection, More Sober Crowd Gathers, Jesus Again Exalted
Part 2: Univ of Illinois: Defending the Veracity of the Bible, Large Crowd Forms, Jesus Exalted
Part 1: Univ of Illinois: Hypocrites, Catholics, Atheists, Muslims, Homosexuals
5 Hours Preaching at University of Illinois -- Will Upload Video(s) as soon as I can
Final Day @ ISU: Lesbian Mocker, Many Hecklers, One Humble Student I Prayed For
Baptist Cusses Me Out, One Student Loves My Preaching, Gospel Goes Forth Again
Students Call Cops, Large Crowd Forms, Student Dunks Me In Soda, Jesus is Exalted!
Personal Video, Where This Ministry Is At, Sharing My Feelings, Future Plans
4 Hours of Preaching/Witnessing at Indiana State University: Contending With Atheists, Homosexuals, Catholics
Contending w/ an Atheist, Exalting Messiah, Preaching the Gospel in Colonial Williamsburg
Preaching Jesus in Downtown Toledo Ohio
Event Organizer Gets Mad at Me, Woman Screams at Me, Got to Encourage & Pray for Two Young Men
Introducing You to The Subscribers I'm Staying With -- Do you want to Host Daniel?
Preaching in Downtown Cleveland: Some Mockers, Some Listeners, Music Fails to Drown Out the Gospel
Preaching at Fountain Square Again -- Lifting Up Jesus, Tracts to the Homeless
Preaching In Fountain Square -- Cincinnati, OH - Contending with a Muslim
Preaching at the WaterFire Event -- Lesbians Heckle, Christians Encourage, Gospel Goes Forth!
Preaching Jesus on Thames Street: Curious Onlookers, Apathetic, and Godly
Preaching the Gospel at Easton's Beach in Newport, Rhode Island -- Police Very Friendly
Preaching at Bossier City Boardwalk, Passing Out Gospel Tracts with Jeff
Street Preaching in Juneau: Some Great One-On-One Conversations
Two Young Evangelists Approach Me, I Pray for Them, Preaching Jesus in Juneau
Humble Hearts, Demon Possessed Guy Bangs Stick, Some Mock -- Gospel Goes Forth!
Part 2: Very End of Preaching Of the Day India Man Prayed for My Listeners
Cruise Crew Member from India Prays For My Listeners As I Preach Jesus
Poem: They Said Jesus Had a Devil
The Lord Jesus Christ Is Disgusted with You Fake Christian Trump Supporters
Trumpsters Laugh, Scorn, Mock, Try to Drown Me Out, Gnash Their Teeth -- As I Preach Jesus
The Most Beautiful Highway in the World: Into The Storm (Recorded Friday evening)
Humble Hearts As I Preach in Downtown Anchorage Friday Evening
Poem About Heading to Anchorage to Preach to Donald Trump and Patriots
Confronted By The Angry, The Curious, and The Humble -- As I Sing Out The Gospel
I Don't Know Who Needs To Hear This, But . . . Poem Of 2nd Peter 1:5-8
Only 2 More Weeks in Juneau, Waterfire Festival, Updates, Heading to the Lower 48
4th of July Preaching, 2 Hours But Only 30 Minutes Got Recorded
A Skeptic Has a Lengthy Convo w/ me, CBJ Officials Come Out to Meet Me, Gospel Goes Forth
Sinner Upset By Judging, Another Man Blesses Me With $100 -- Preaching Jesus in Juneau
Pothead Defending Her Sin, But The Righteous Blessing Me -- Contending for the Faith in Downtown Juneau
Preaching the Gospel: Man On Holy Spirit Assignment Approaches Me
Hundreds Pour Off Cruise Ships as the Gospel Goes Forth Unhindered!
Some Sinners Cuss Me Out, Others Bless & Thank Me: Preaching Near The Cruise Ships
Preaching In Downtown Juneau: Yah Opens A Door No Man Can Shut!
"Suffering" -- The Marks of God's Approval: Leonard Ravenhill
Victorious Phone Conversation With Juneau Police About My Street Preaching
Juneau Police Threaten to Arrest Me If I Continue Preaching (Toward End of Video)
Juneau Street Preaching: Sinners Cuss, Threaten but Also Overall More Sober Conviction, Sober Crowd
Preaching Jesus in Downtown Juneau: Hecklers, "Christians" Defending Sin, One Guy Blesses Me
A New Season Begins
We, at Torah Restoration Ministries, are not affiliated with ANY denomination. We are an Independent group of believers in Mashiach.
We do not hold the 501C tax exempt status. TRM is NOT partners with the Government and does NOT have a main headquarters in any region of the world. Our head is YahShua the Messiah.
TRM has a policy that all information, all tracts, all videos that we produce are completely 100% free.
Daniel Lee's Testimony - Love Never Fails