Part 1: Plucked from the Fire, Redemptive Rescue
(Zechariah Chapter 3)

Gather around
Dim the lights
Hush and be still
There, a lone figure stands
Yohshua draped in filthy garments
Stained with sin
Satan resisting him on his right hand side
What despair
What anguish
Situation hopeless
Bound without key
The darkened shadows are flung back
Bright white fire blazes forth
Behold the Angel of Yahweh!
The Prince of Peace shouts a War Cry
“Yah rebuke you, O Satan!”
Even Yahweh Who has chosen Jerusalem
Has not this brand been plucked from the fire?
His Word a cutting, sharper than a two edged Sword
The Enemy, like an atom splitting, shatters
No more
Come! The Voice of the King commands
Strip off the filthy garments
Your iniquity is purged!
And let My righteousness
Like a golden star
Robe you in Purity Light!
Set a crown upon your head!
The Voice of many Waters
Powerful as thunder
But melodic with a million musical notes
Sings a song of Justice-Fused Love
If you will walk in My ways
If you will keep My charge
Then you will also judge My house
And you shall also keep My courts!
And I will give you places to walk among the mighty ones!
And the stone set before you
One stone with Seven Eyes
My Right Hand engraves this Stone
The BRANCH brought forth!
And in one day the iniquity of that land shall be removed
Just as in one moment
I, Yahweh, cleansed you!
And called you forth!
Part 2: Lament for America, Come out of Her My People

Do you not see, blind eyes?
Can you not understand, stubborn heart?
Will you not learn, stiff necked people?
The dark mass of My whirlwind
Tracks the land with sudden destruction
In the very heart of your nation!
Crushing catastrophe
Flinging homes, cars, schools, billboards
Like shattered match sticks
But do you not see?
In the midst of My Dark Hand of Fury
My Word, opened to the 32nd chapter of Isaiah
Untouched though surrounded by mangled steel and wood
Behold! A King shall reign in righteousness!
But you, O America, mad upon your idols
Distracted by your schools, your jobs, your movies, your TV, your music, your adulteries, your lies, your gods
Have no time to seek Me
But I tell you, BEHOLD!
Align in perfect precision to My Word
Or be swept away in My Wrath!
Shattered like a potter’s vessel you shall be!
Part 3: Sing, Dance, Worship Way to the Yerushalyim Above

The eyes of Yahweh
Search to and fro
For the heart that is perfect toward Him
Hear this!
And I shall utter wisdom!
Heed this!
And destruction will not touch you!
O, let Me teach your heart to dance
Your soul to sing
Make melody to Me
For in Worship, continual Worship
The Waters will part
The Menorah Light will shine forth
The Way will be made plain
My hidden secret
Safely deposited into contrite hearts
Turned tender love toward Me
In losing Your Life
You find it
Worship, Adore, Exalt Me
Drink in My Word
Golden oil let gush through you
And your steps shall be made sure
A large place you shall find
In My bosom you shall be
Hidden under My Wing
Head on My breast
In quiet love, perfect peace, shielded from the raging storm
Given rest from the days of adversity
Until the pit be digged for the wicked
Clench your hands around the guard rails on either side
Torah on your left
My Blood Atonement on your right
And sing to Me
I will guide your path
And to the golden city you shall come
Jerusalem Above Free in Joy!