Torah Restoration Ministries

Evangelist Daniel John Lee

And to the angel of the congregation in Philadelphia write -- These things says He that is holy, He that is true, He that has the Key of David, He that opens, and no man shuts, and shuts, and no man opens.  I know your works: behold, I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it: for you have a little strength, and have kept My Word, and have not denied My Name . . ."


UCLA Preaching Reports


11/19/2018 - Day 1

Very Brief Intro to UCLA Ministry 

UCLA Part 1 of 4: Student Group Turns on Fan to Distort My Audio

UCLA Part 2 of 4: Police Confront Me

UCLA Part 3 of 4: Man Asks Me Many Questions, Forced to Move

UCLA Part 4 of 4: Preaching at New Spot

Reflections on My First Day at UCLA


11/20/2018 - Day 2

Lengthy Conversation with UCLA student at 12:20 Mark: Part 1 of 4 Day 2

9 Minute Mark: Talk and Pray for Student in Wheelchair - Part 2 of 4 Day 2

Warning to America: Part 3 of 4 Day 2 @ UCLA

Reflections on 2nd Day at UCLA: Part 4 of 4 Day 2 @ UCLA


11/21/2018 - Day 3

Day 3 at UCLA: Origins of Thanksgiving: Part 1 of 3

Day 3 at UCLA: Brief Clip of Open Air Preaching: Part 2 of 3

Day 3 at UCLA: Talking with Sam in Wheelchair: Part 3 of 3


11/26/2018 - Day 4

UCLA: 16:30 Minute Mark -- Black Students Mock Me, Under Conviction: Part 1 of 4 Day 4

ULCA: Singing the Scriptures!!! Part 2 of 4 Day 4

UCLA: Singing Scripture Again at New Spot 1:19 Mark: Part 3 of 4 Day 4

UCLA: Psalm 106:37-48: Shedding Innocent Blood: Part 4 of 4 Day 4


11/27/2018 - Day 5

27:55 Mark -- Hundreds of Children Gather Round! Day 5 UCLA Part 1 of 4

5:05 Mark -- Show Children Gathered Round! Day 5 UCLA Part 2 of 4

Revelation 19,20 & Isaiah 66: Day 5 UCLA Part 3 of 4

The Day of the MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH at UCLA part 4 of 4


11/28/2018 - Day 6

26:30 Young Woman Asks Great Questions!!! Day 6 @ UCLA Part 1 of 4

14:50: Jezebel Goes Crazy, Hates POTUS, Takes over My Camera: Day 6 @ UCLA Part 2 of 4

Yah Confounds the Wise, Reveals to the Humble: Day 6 @ UCLA Part 3 of 4

Outburst of Rage or Led by the Holy Spirit? Day 6 Reflections at UCLA Part 4 of 4


11/29/2018 - Day 7

Sam in Wheelchair Gets Set Free!!! Minute 25:30 UCLA Day 7 Part 1 0f 4

Proclaiming Wheelchair Sam's Miracle! Minute 2:40 UCLA Day 7 Part 2 of 4

Firetruck Makes Me Turn Camera Toward Another Crowd Minute 12:00 UCLA Day 7 Part 3 of 4

Such VICTORY With Sam: Day 7 Reflections at UCLA part 4 of 4


12/3/2018 - Day 8

Huge Crowd Gathers Around 9:11 Minute Mark: Day 8 UCLA Part 1 of 4

Second Crowd Stays on Stage All Through Preaching: Day 8 UCLA Part 2/4

Though I am Weak, He is Strong: Day 8 UCLA: Part 3 of 4

Get to Minister to a Group of Jocks: UCLA Day 8 Part 4 of 4


12/4/2018 - Day 9

Donut Woman Screams: Minute 11:30 and onward: UCLA Day 9 Part 1 of 4

Another Student Group Gathers 7-8 Minute Mark: UCLA Day 9 Part 2 0f 4

More School Kids Gather 6-7 Minute Mark: UCLA Day 9 Part 3 of 4

Screaming Woman, Fall of Bush Sr and Reflections on Day 9 at UCLA


12/5/2018 - Day 10

Large Asian Crowd at 18-19 Minute Mark: UCLA Day 10 Part 1 of 4

Small Crowd on Steps at 28 Minute Mark: UCLA Day 10 Part 2 of 4

Non-Religious Jew Asks Many Questions: Min 5:25 UCLA Day 10 Part 3/4

Satanic Pedophile Spielberg Warns: UCLA Day 10 Part 4 of 4


12/6/2018 - Day 11

Rebuke Lesbian, Hypocrites, Police Threaten Me with Hate Speech Violation: Day 11 @ UCLA Part 1 of 4

Asian Woman & Indonesian Student - 13 and 23 minute marks: Day 11 @ UCLA Part 2 of 4

Actress-Student Loudly Shouts at 10 Min Mark: Day 11 @ UCLA Part 3 of 4

My Preaching Offends You? UCLA Day 11 Part 4 of 4


12/7/2018 - Day 12

A Crowd Gathers Beneath Tree -- Day 12 Part 1 of 3 @ UCLA

My Final Proclamation at UCLA: Day 12 Part 2 of 3

His Banner Over Me Is Love: Farewell UCLA: Day 12 Part 3 of 3