"For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious."
II Corinthians 3:11
Christians use the above verse as a proof text to show that the Torah was done away with. While that ignores the context of the chapter, there is yet another way to explain this passage. The most obvious explanation is using the context of the chapter to prove that while the First Covenant is "done away" or is "passing away" (Hebrews 8), the Torah itself is a component in both the First and Renewed Covenants.
However, if we turn to II Timothy 1:10 we read again what specifically is "done away" or abolished: "But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour YahShua ha Maschiach, who hath ABOLISHED DEATH . . ."
It was not, then, the Torah which was done away or abolished -- but death. Death is abolished through the gospel, through the blood of Messiah and death will ultimately be swallowed up in victory when the gospel is fully completed.
The Torah, which is ordained to bring life (Romans 7:10), is an integral part of abolishing death and bringing about life. The Torah is as necessary to the gospel as YahShua's precious blood.